6 Great Ways Leaders Can Enable Psychological Safety

The Art of Good Leadership- Enabling Success Through Psychological Safety

Creating a culture of psychological safety is essential for a leader to be effective. A team that feels safe to take risks, speak up, and share ideas is more likely to engage in open and honest communication, innovate, and ultimately lead to better decision-making, problem-solving, and overall team performance.

Here are 6 great ways leaders can enable psychological safety and help team members learn from their mistakes:

1. Let go of control

Sometimes, the best way to let your team grow is to let them loose. Encourage your team to experiment and take risks, even if you might not agree 100% with their decisions. By creating an environment where experimentation and risk-taking are encouraged, you'll be helping team members to learn and gain the confidence in making decisions. By having the freedom to experiment, your team will be more likely to take ownership, stretch themselves and learn from their experiences.

2. Encourage open and honest communication

Create a culture where team members feel comfortable talking about their challenges and mistakes. Encourage them to ask questions and share their ideas, even if they're not sure they're right. By fostering an open and honest communication culture, team members will feel more comfortable discussing their challenges and mistakes, and feel safe to voice their opinions and perspectives.

3. Lead by example

Share your own mistakes and how you learned from them. This helps create a culture of continuous learning and improvement, and it's also a great way to demonstrate to your team that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. By leading by example, you are showing your team that it's okay to make mistakes, and that it's how you learn and grow as a professional.

4. Provide constructive feedback

Rather than putting your team down for making mistakes, provide constructive feedback that focuses on the behaviour or action that led to the mistake. This will help team members learn from their experience and avoid similar mistakes in the future. Success are only achieved through trial and errors, and giving constructive feedback will help team members understand the situation, take a step back, and focus on how they can improve going forward.

5. Support different learning styles and needs

Each team member is unique and may have different learning styles and needs. As a leader, it's essential to understand how each of your team member learns best, and tailor your approach to support their learning process. By recognising and accommodating your approach to every individual, you are showing that you care about their professional and personal growth, which will foster a sense of trust and respect towards you as a leader.

6. Nourish your team

Give your team access to all the resources and opportunities to continuously learn, grow and develop professionally. This can include access to online training, workshops, webinars, books, and other educational resources. Additionally, foster a culture of mentoring and coaching, where more experienced team members can pass their knowledge and skills to less experienced ones. By providing your team with opportunities to continuously learn and grow, you're demonstrating that you value their personal and professional development and that you are invested in their growth as professionals. This will help team members feel supported, valued and motivated to continue to learn and grow, which in turn will help them better cope with mistakes and challenges.


Leadership is all about striking a balance between getting things done and enabling your team members to reach their full potential. By fostering psychological safety and recognising that humans learn best from making mistakes, leaders can help build a positive and productive team culture that allows team members to thrive.

In an environment that encourages learning from mistakes, team members will feel more comfortable to speak up, take risks and innovate. Not only it’s beneficial for the team performance but also it creates a more enjoyable and satisfying work experience.


Looking for ways to boost your team’s performance? We can help.

Talk to us today to find out how we can provide the right approach for you.

Cover photo: unsplash/@lensinkmitchel


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