Become the Most Interesting Person in the Room

How to become the most interesting person in the room

Becoming an interesting person is something many people strive for. When in fact, the secret to it might not be so difficult after all.

Think of all the people that you find interesting, whether they’re celebrities or someone you meet daily. Chances are, they have a variety of unique experiences and stories to share. They may have traveled to exotic locations, tried new and exciting activities, or had interesting career experiences. The good news is that this can also be you.

Simply enough, the key to become an interesting person is to live an interesting life.

This means by actively seeking out new experiences and creating a bunch of great stories to tell, you will naturally become more interesting to others as well.

Here are some ideas on making your life more interesting:

Get a job that makes you talk to lots of people

A great option for this is a customer-facing role, such as sales.

When you have a customer-facing role, you're forced to interact with a diverse range of people on a daily basis. You'll learn how to communicate effectively, how to read body language, and how to respond to different types of personalities. These skills are not only valuable in a professional setting, but they will also help you in your personal life.

Customer-facing roles also give you lots of exciting experiences and stories. The sting of customer rejection, the excitement of closing a deal, and the satisfaction of helping a customer are all experiences that will make you more interesting. And because you're constantly interacting with different people, you'll also gain a deeper understanding of human behaviour and the ability to relate to others.

Take care of yourself physically and mentally

People care about people who care about themselves.

So pay close attention to your body and mind. Be selective on what you feed them, and how you use them.

First, let's talk about physical health. When you're eating well and exercising, you're more likely to feel good about yourself, which in turn will make you more attractive and outgoing. This is an important trait of being interesting as people like to be around someone who radiate positivity and will be drawn to your energy and enthusiasm.

Now, mental health. When your mind is clear and relaxed, you're more likely to be enthusiastic and excited about the things you're doing, which will be reflected in your interactions with others.

It's also important to be selective about what you feed your mind. This means avoiding negative influences, such as excessive screen time, negative news, and useless chats. Instead, focus on things that uplift you, such as reading, writing, or spending time with loved ones.

Work on a passion project

Working on a passion project is a great way to become more interesting. Not only does it give you something exciting to talk about, but it also provides you with experiences and stories that set you apart from others.

Whether it's a hobby, a creative pursuit, or a business venture, when you're working on something you're passionate about, you'll be more enthusiastic and excited to talk about it. This energy is contagious, and people will be drawn to your excitement and find you more interesting.

Furthermore, passion projects can also provide you with valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied to other areas of your life. For example, if you're setting up a side business, you'll learn about marketing, networking, and other practical business skills. These skills are not only valuable in a professional setting, but they will also help you in your personal life.

Additionally, a passion project can also serve as an outlet to fulfil a sense of purpose. Having something you are working towards and looking forward to, can give you a sense of direction and can make you a happier, more interesting person.

Get in front of an audience

Performing in front of an audience, whether it's through public speaking or an actual performance, is an excellent way to boost your profile. This is because when you're comfortable with being in front of others and expressing yourself, you'll have more intriguing discussions with others, which will make people naturally drawn to you.

When you're comfortable being in front of an audience, you'll be able to share your thoughts more effectively. You'll be able to express your ideas, opinions and experiences in an engaging way, and people will be interested in what you have to say.

Another benefit of performing for an audience is that it can boost your confidence. When you stand in front of a crowd and perform, you're not just expressing yourself, but you're also showing that you have the courage to put yourself out there, which can inspire others to do the same. This confidence is a powerful trait that makes you stand out and more interesting to others.

See the world

The world is a big place with so many different cultures, beliefs, and ways of life. When you travel to see the world you will be exposed to people and situations that will greatly expand your perspective, and may even challenge your core beliefs and values. This very experience will help shape your character to become more open-minded and have better empathy with people from different corners of the world.

Traveling will also give you experiences that will make you stand out in a crowd. When you've been to places most people haven't, or have had experiences that others can only see on the internet, people will naturally be drawn to your stories and want to hear more. Being able to see things from different perspectives can also make you a better problem solver and decision maker, which is another valuable trait that can make you more interesting.


In short, being an interesting person is about actively seeking new experiences and creating a life worth sharing. These examples are only a few ideas of how to add depth and richness to your life.

Ultimately, it's up to you to find what works best for you. The key is to find something that will add excitement and perspective to your life, making the world around you more interesting. When you do this, you will naturally attract interest from others as well.


Cover photo: unsplash/@alexazabache


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