The Simplest Way To Get Your Dream Job

Simplest way anyone can get their dream job - boostkamp agile coaching and training

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly attract job offers from top companies, even when they're not actively looking for work? It's no coincidence.

Instead of actively looking for opportunities, these people have developed themselves in a way that opportunities naturally come to them.

In other words:

Don’t chase your dream job. Rather, attract them.

One great way to make yourself highly attractive to potential employers is to start a side project.

Doing side projects will equip you with a unique mindset and specialised skills that no formal education or certifications can offer. They provide a chance to explore new areas of interest, solve problems in creative ways, and demonstrate your abilities to a wider audience.

Side projects are personal projects that you build outside of your regular work or activities. They can be related to the work you’re already doing, or something completely different that you're passionate about. Regardless of the side project you choose, you can decide to make it as simple or complex as you’d like. If you’ve never had a side project before, I’d recommend to start with something simple.

Here are 3 great ideas for a side project you can do to boost your personal and professional growth, and attract the opportunities you want:

  1. Create a personal/portfolio website

    A nicely done website is a powerful tool for showcasing your work, thoughts, and personality to the world. It's a great way to build your personal brand and set yourself apart from others in your field. Your website can include a portfolio of your work, a blog where you share your ideas and insights, and information about your background and experience.

  2. Create and sell merchandise

    If you have a creative side or enjoy arts and crafts, you can make merchandises and sell them online or at local markets or events. This can be a fun and rewarding way to express your creativity and gain real-life insights into business strategies, production processes, and sales and marketing.

  3. Teach online tutorials/courses

    Everyone has something they're good at, so why not share your knowledge with others? Creating online tutorials or courses can establish you as a domain expert in your field and help you build a following of people interested in learning from you. You can use platforms like Udemy or Domestika to host your courses and reach a wider audience.

No matter which side project you choose, the key is to find something that resonates with you and aligned to the job or industry you want. The benefits of side projects also go beyond just impressing potential employers. They also provide a sense of accomplishment and pride, as you're able to take ownership of a project and see it through to completion. This can be especially rewarding if you're feeling stuck in your current job or looking for a way to shake things up.

What opportunities are you ready to attract in 2023?


Cover photo: unsplash/@wardhanaaditya


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