Is This the Best Way to Recession-Proof Yourself?

Agile innovation & transformation during recession - boostkamp

Social media and news outlets have been abuzz with news of mass layoffs by Twitter and Meta.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen news of large-scale layoffs, and it certainly won’t be the last. If we can learn anything from this, is that no job or company is guaranteed, and we have no control over what happens.

The only way to make yourself recession-proof is to work on yourself more than your job, and teach yourself the ability to create value with what you have. Your job - or even your company - may stop to exist. However, the value you’re able to create will always go with you.

On top of acquiring new skills and knowledge. It’s also important to focus on building your own personal brand and value. This can mean starting a side hustle or blog, networking and building relationships in your industry, and constantly working on projects that showcase your skills and abilities. By building your own personal brand, you’ll be able to create value for yourself, rather than relying on someone else to hand you work.

The world of work can be unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take control of your career and your future. By constantly improving yourself and your skills, and building your own personal value, you’ll separate yourself from others and would be in a much better position to attract new opportunities.

In short, you need to learn to read market needs, and build products/services to fill that need. Be a different version of yourself. A version with the ability to create work and value on demand.

Imagine the possibilities.


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